Pop-up Art
Two weeks before Aviv’s 48th birthday Anna closed herself in an office. Aviv wasn’t allowed in. She spent her time watching online video tutorials, trying things out with scissors and tubes of glue.
When she came out she had notions and enthusiasm for creating pop-up books and cards. The books she made for Aviv were just the beginning of an ongoing exploration.
From that point we have continually used these techniques for promotional materials, for impromptu workshops with neighbourhood kids, for more formal workshops and whenever a card was needed (in England cards are important).
Take a peek at some of material we’ve created for our market.
Like with the story of our floral work, here too the boundaries between personal life and professional work are porous. An occasion comes up and we let curiosity into the way we approach community economies and relationships. Friendships and work ties are intertwined and creative techniques are there accompanying these connections.
When the opportunity came, working with The Druid’s Kitchen on Economic Portraits of Unlikely Entrepreneurs, we decided to convey what we learned from them through making a pop-up book. We used them to portray what we learned from them about business dialoguing with mental health.
Like with the flowers, our interest in pop-up grew and we accompanied this interest, investing time and attention to a growing skill. Like with the flowers this skill also spilled over to neighbourhood children, collaborators and any personal or professional occasion that came up.