Thousands of professional eyes are busy measuring investment, production, consumption, value… all creating a robust description of this thing called The Economy. The Economy is present, it exists, it has rules that follow parameters, repeatedly mentioned in podcasts, videos, radio, television. It is the underlying architecture of how things are, hard to contest, hard to think outside of.
So many people around us feel that things are just as they are, and can’t be any different. Alternatives, profound changes to how we live and relate, are hard to imagine, fragile, shadowy, like some distant fiction. And at the same time our neighbourhoods are fraught with challenges, and people feel alone within this predetermined mechanism called The Economy.
We have a need to create living examples of how things can be different.
3 Stages of Succession is there to make community economies and alternative forms of organizing more real, to help create the building blocks of new realities, collaborative, imaginative.
Some tangible results we’ve observed emerging from our work:
✔ Strengthened relationships, friendship groups and collaborations get formed
✔ A close-knit economy of exchanges, taking place in a small geographic area, emerging spontaneously from an open place
✔ Collaborative projects for learning and exchanging knowledge emerging spontaneously
✔ Spaces created within spaces
✔ Making skills and knowledge that is tacit in the community explicit, public and useful for people to learn from
✔ Project taking new directions after engaging in arts-based reframing techniques
We do this in villages and neighbourhoods. We do this using the experimental playfulness of art.
We use online community radio, floral arts, textile crafts, food. But our organizational and economic experiments are themselves forms of art, taking on shapes that are both surprising and make perfect sense for the place where we help them emerge.
Our need to do this stems from our past. As does our expertise in doing it.
Anna has a past in Mediterranean/African musical entrepreneurial adventures
(Anna in one of the canyons of the Todra Valley, Morocco)
Aviv has a past in creative but confrontational movements for social change
(photo of grumpy Aviv with Israeli soldiers)
They both have a shared past in creating open collaborative spaces for neighbourhood-based community economies
Anna Coromina
In the past, Anna organized large-scale music and art events focusing on Mediterranean, North African and Sub-Saharan music and other cultural events. Based in Barcelona at the time, this work took her on adventures where she forged friendships with like-minded people from backgrounds that were seemingly different from hers.
Working on 3 Stages of Succession she fell in love with radio, floral arts and pop-up book making techniques often using them to create spaces for communication and collaboration.
She studied Philosophy (creative, radical, innovative) and cultural management (practical, feet on the ground, getting things done).
Aviv Kruglanski
Aviv has a background in art and activism having formed part of activist/artist group Las Agencias and Yomango.
He co-developed arts-based techniques for collaborative neighbourhood work (including Documentary Embroidery with Vahida Ramujkic).
He has a PhD in management from the University of Hull focusing on alternative forms of organizing. He is core-group member of a wonderful academic organization called the Community Economies Institute.
He believes in learning through doing, with others.